Refer to the following information to understand our fees, and invoicing terms and conditions.
Sub-Juniors fees (Tuesday)
Registration and class fee
- Invoiced over 3 terms (Terms 1 to 3) - read the terms and conditions below
- $295 per term
- $885 total per year
Calisthenic Association of Western Australia (CAWA) affiliation fee
- Invoiced Term 1 (or first term registered)
- $75 annual fee
- Term 4 registration only, $20 fee
Costumes and incidentals fee
Casual rate
Sub-Juniors fees (Thursday)
Registration and class fee
- Invoiced over 3 terms (Terms 1 to 3) - read the terms and conditions below
- $280 per term
- $840 total per year
Calisthenic Association of Western Australia (CAWA) affiliation fee
- Invoiced Term 1 (or first term registered)
- $75 annual fee
- Term 4 registration only, $20 fee
Costumes and incidentals fee
Casual rate
Juniors fees
Registration and class fee
- Invoiced over 3 terms (Terms 1 to 3) - read the terms and conditions below
- $380 per term
- $1,140 total per year
CAWA affiliation fee
- Invoiced Term 1 (or first term registered)
- $75 annual fee
- Term 4 registration only, $20
Costumes and incidentals fee
Casual rate
Fee descriptions and invoicing terms and conditions
Registration and class fee
- Covers the cost of college membership, coaching, venue hire, CAWA team competition entries and stage practice (where applicable).
- This fee includes any extra training that may be scheduled by coaches to prepare for team competitions.
- There is no additional charge for Term 4 classes for members who pay the total registration and class fees for Term 1 to 3.
- Term 4 class fees will apply to members who joined the college partway through Term 1 or 2 or have not paid the total 'registration and class fees'. Class fees for Term 4 are charged at the casual rate (refer to 'fees schedule' above).
CAWA affiliation fee
- Provides CAWA membership and insurance cover for your child.
- This is an annual payment, payable each year your child is registered.
- Invoiced when you register your child's membership.
- Members registered in Term 4 will pay a prorata amount.
Costumes and incidentals fee
- Covers the cost of costume hire, storage, hair and makeup expenses and props used at team competitions and our annual showcase. Does not include hairpieces.
- Costumes remain the property of Imperial Calisthenic College.
Additional costs
Compulsory equipment and uniform
- rod
- clubs
- practice aesthetic skirt
- college jacket
- college leotard (Sub-Juniors and Juniors age groups only)
- jazz shoes (your team manager will confirm if your child will needs jazz shoes and what colour is required).
Some items listed are available from the college. Secondhand items may be available for purchase.
To find out prices, refer to Equipment costs.
Optional items and opportunities
Second and third-child discounts
- Second child registered - discount 10%.
- Third child registered - discount 15%.
- Applied to the registration and class fees only.
- Does not apply to the CAWA affiliation or costume and incidentals fee.
- Second and third-child discounts apply to the youngest children registered.
- Once fees are paid, no refunds are available.
- There are no refunds for missed classes.
- If we cancel a class we will endeavor to provide a make-up class throughout the year.
Try a free class offer
- New members may try 2 free classes.
- Attendance at the third class indicates your child's commitment to join the team and compete at team competitions and events.
- After your child attends the third class, we will invoice you for the remainder of the term.
KidSport financial assistance
- We are a registered KidSport Club. KidSport allows eligible children, aged 5 to 18 years to apply for financial assistance towards club fees.
- The fees go directly from the local government to registered KidSport clubs participating in the project.
- Applications for 2025 vouchers open on 1 January 2025.
- Find further information about KidSport financial assistance.
- We email invoices to parents each term.
- Payments are due within one week (7 days) unless a payment plan is agreed to before the due date.
Payment plans
- You can set up a payment plan if agreed to and authorised by our treasurer.
- If you have any questions or want to make payment arrangements, email
- If you do not make payment arrangements, you must pay invoices in full by the due date.
- Your child cannot compete at competitions, attend college events or participate in the Calisthenic Skills Program unless invoice payments are current.
Committee member discounts
- We offer a discount on registration and class fees for parents who perform committee roles. For details, refer to Our committee.
- Committee member discounts are entered on Term 3 invoices for members who have fulfilled the requirements of their role.
- Committee member discounts must be approved by the treasurer and endorsed by the president.
- When more than one role is performed, the discount is only offered for the role that attracts the highest discount.
If you have any fee-related questions, contact our treasurer.